Pinecrest Neighborhood Association

Welcome to the Pinecrest Neighborhood Association!

Who are we?

The purpose of our neighborhood association is to create a sense of community and safety by fostering communication, hosting get-togethers, working on neighborhood beautification, advocating for neighborhood improvements, and collaborating with other neighborhoods.

Where are we located?

We are located in the Pinecrest neighborhood, which is bounded by E Pima St on the north, E Speedway Blvd on the south, N Swan Rd on the west, and N Rosemont Blvd on the east.

Map of Pinecrest neighborhood

What is a neighborhood association?

A neighborhood association is a group of neighbors who work together to improve and maintain the quality of life in their neighborhood. Neighborhood associations are recognized by the City of Tucson and can be a powerful voice for the neighborhood.

Neighborhood Associations are not Homeowners Associations.